TMI About a TOM Box
If discussing menstruation and, indeed, anything about the darker inner workings of the female body makes you squeamish... this post is NOT for you. Although really, grow a pair. You were warned - from here on out this post is all about a "Time of the Month" box. Which means femme-tastic vocabulary words like "tampon" and "PMS" will abound.
Rodgers & Hammerstein once delighted musical-goers with the froth and frill of their song, "I Enjoy Being a Girl". While I appreciate that the lyrics include a reference to being proud of a curvy silhouette, it's abundantly clear that a man wrote this. Five to seven days out of the month I loathe being a girl. There are plenty of jokes out there about not trusting anything that bleeds for that many days and doesn't die, etc. I won't go into a rage about the insulting, misogynistic nature of these quips - that's old hat. What I would like to expound upon is the veiled presumption in such jokes that women choose menstruation. Sorry, not so much. It's a gift I'd very much like to return. Through no fault of mine, I become simultaneously a raging bitch and a factory of tears and snot. One minute I'm seething over inane inconveniences, and the next I'm sobbing into my salad because my best friend showed me a Buzzfeed article about corgis and pugs. It's not pretty. And the very last thing I want to do in this state is stumble around in CVS in my yoga pants and slippers grabbing tampons and chocolates off the shelves in a frenzied state.
Enter the "Time of the Month" subscription box craze. For a monthly fee, you can have tampons, pads, painkillers, etc. shipped straight to your door in time for your regularly scheduled Disney movie marathon/ice cream binge. There are several to choose from, and I fully intend to investigate every single one. First on the list: Your first box is free, so what's not to love? Subsequent months will cost you $15 for a supply of 15 regular tampons, 15 Tutu Towels, and 16 ibuprofen tablets. The only downside here is the lack of options, but the reality is that you're paying for convenience - the convenience of being able to stay in your snuggie on the couch, or save your significant other the chore of catering to your feminine product needs, or to avoid a run-in with an evil ex or attractive co-worker while you're at your lowest point. You get the point. Let's check out the goods:
Cute, simple packaging. I know exactly what this box waiting on my doorstep is, but it doesn't scream "Lady on her period! Everybody hide!". At least, that's what I imagine my neighbors would do.
The inner packaging is consistent with the brand, and this perky red fairy makes me feel a little less gross and bloated.
Chock full of necessities. Love it.
Here are all the items, in their glory. I immediately stashed the drugs in my purse. One note about the Tutu Towels - these are scented. If I had one critique it would be to offer a choice between scented and unscented towels because, let's face it, there are plenty of people out there who cannot tolerate perfumed products due to allergies or skin sensitivities. However, for those who can, they do smell fantastic.
I'll definitely be continuing my subscription. Their sassy e-mails and bold branding may not cure the torture of menstruation, but they definitely help lessen the pain.
Disclaimer: The above is the express opinion of this blogger. I was not paid for the review of any individual item or of the box, service, or product as a whole. In addition, I never promote or endorse a product I would not use or try myself.
Rodgers & Hammerstein once delighted musical-goers with the froth and frill of their song, "I Enjoy Being a Girl". While I appreciate that the lyrics include a reference to being proud of a curvy silhouette, it's abundantly clear that a man wrote this. Five to seven days out of the month I loathe being a girl. There are plenty of jokes out there about not trusting anything that bleeds for that many days and doesn't die, etc. I won't go into a rage about the insulting, misogynistic nature of these quips - that's old hat. What I would like to expound upon is the veiled presumption in such jokes that women choose menstruation. Sorry, not so much. It's a gift I'd very much like to return. Through no fault of mine, I become simultaneously a raging bitch and a factory of tears and snot. One minute I'm seething over inane inconveniences, and the next I'm sobbing into my salad because my best friend showed me a Buzzfeed article about corgis and pugs. It's not pretty. And the very last thing I want to do in this state is stumble around in CVS in my yoga pants and slippers grabbing tampons and chocolates off the shelves in a frenzied state.
Enter the "Time of the Month" subscription box craze. For a monthly fee, you can have tampons, pads, painkillers, etc. shipped straight to your door in time for your regularly scheduled Disney movie marathon/ice cream binge. There are several to choose from, and I fully intend to investigate every single one. First on the list: Your first box is free, so what's not to love? Subsequent months will cost you $15 for a supply of 15 regular tampons, 15 Tutu Towels, and 16 ibuprofen tablets. The only downside here is the lack of options, but the reality is that you're paying for convenience - the convenience of being able to stay in your snuggie on the couch, or save your significant other the chore of catering to your feminine product needs, or to avoid a run-in with an evil ex or attractive co-worker while you're at your lowest point. You get the point. Let's check out the goods:
Cute, simple packaging. I know exactly what this box waiting on my doorstep is, but it doesn't scream "Lady on her period! Everybody hide!". At least, that's what I imagine my neighbors would do.
The inner packaging is consistent with the brand, and this perky red fairy makes me feel a little less gross and bloated.
Chock full of necessities. Love it.
Here are all the items, in their glory. I immediately stashed the drugs in my purse. One note about the Tutu Towels - these are scented. If I had one critique it would be to offer a choice between scented and unscented towels because, let's face it, there are plenty of people out there who cannot tolerate perfumed products due to allergies or skin sensitivities. However, for those who can, they do smell fantastic.
I'll definitely be continuing my subscription. Their sassy e-mails and bold branding may not cure the torture of menstruation, but they definitely help lessen the pain.
Disclaimer: The above is the express opinion of this blogger. I was not paid for the review of any individual item or of the box, service, or product as a whole. In addition, I never promote or endorse a product I would not use or try myself.