
Loot Crate - Three Crate Wrap-Up

Loot Crate is a monthly subscription box filled with 6-8 pieces of epic geek and gamer gear, typically curated around a theme or mash-up with a guaranteed value of $40+. The crate is $13.37 + shipping, and I hope that touch is not lost on subscribers. I've been subscribing for over a year at this point and C finally got his own subscription this month. From here on out we'll be getting two crates. Typically there is a greater chance of receiving different items, but April's crate was comprised mostly of Loot Crate exclusives so it was almost a complete duplicate.

April's Crate

Loot Crate's packaging has evolved over time and their boxes are now larger and sturdier to allow for more epic loot. This month's theme was "Dragon" and C and I had been looking forward to receiving our crates. Each month Loot Crate sends a mini-mag that contains descriptions of the loot, interviews with industry professionals, exclusive articles, and more. The first of the exclusives was a Nord figure. The sculpt is the same in every box, but the weapons do vary - C got a sword. I'm quite pleased that I got an ax! I'm a huge ASOIAF fan, and by default GoT. As soon as these blind box figures came out I purchased a ridiculous number but I still don't quite have a complete set. Both C and I got duplicates unfortunately, but we're thinking of turning them into customs.

This dragon slayer dog tag isn't the greatest quality. I'm used to fairly high quality merchandise from these crates so it was a bit of a disappointment. As was the exclusive dragon shield screen cleaner. The stress D20 was immediately removed to my cube, while the actual D20 got added to our dice collection on the bookshelf. Each month Loot Crate includes an exclusive button related to the theme. I'm having a lot of fun collecting these! I haven't been brave enough to try the dragon jerky yet, but word is it's delicious.

March 2014

March's theme was a mash-up of Attack on Titan and Titanfall. C managed to snag most of the items from this crate. The exclusive Attack on Titanfall magnet looks fantastic on our fridge, and C is loving the AoT wristband.

My OSU lanyard was beginning to look a bit ragged, so I was very happy to replace it with this Titanfall lanyard. Probably my favorite item in this crate was the AoT manga, though the Titanfall t-shirt was a close second. Loot Crate also included a code for the Titanfall e-guide.

Most crates have a piece of candy or two just as a fun little extra. Again, another exclusive button to add to my collection. Loot Crate also managed to snag subscriber exclusive discounts for a number of gamer gear retailers!

Warehouse Clearing Event Mystery Crate

I have a constantly growing Funko collection in my office so I found a home right away for Domo Superman. This Batman wallet was from several crates back, so I gifted the extra to Kurt with the rest of his birthday presents.

Loot Crate sent out a random assortment of these collectible Star Wars postcards in a previous crate, and I was very happy to have received a different design from the set. As for these stickers, they're all duplicates but still very much enjoyed. The Power Pack was definitely my favorite item in this mystery crate.

Nibbler! When Loot Crate included Futurama merchandise several crates ago I was a little disappointed to receive a key chain of Mom. This blind box vinyl of Nibbler is much more my style. As promised, Domo Superman made it safely to his place on my Funko wall!

Do you subscribe to Loot Crate? Which crate was your favorite? If you haven't signed up yet, use code MAYLOOT to save $3!

Disclaimer: The above is the express opinion of this blogger. I was not paid for the review of any individual item or of the box, service, or product as a whole. In addition, I never promote or endorse a product I would not use or try myself.

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