
Bulu Box - April 2014

Bulu Box is a subscription box service with two different offerings each month: Bulu Box Classic and Bulu Box Weight Loss. Each box is $10 with free shipping, and they're filled with 4-5 premium samples that fit the respective box's theme. The original Bulu Box includes products that promote health and fitness, while the Weight Loss box also adds a "slim down" focus. Bulu Box also has a great review program that offers points for reviewing the items you receive. Points can be redeemed toward items in their store. For my first month I opted in to receive both boxes. There was some overlap, so I'll just be sticking with the Classic box from here on out. Let's check out the goods:

The packaging is the same for both boxes. I love the positive, impactful sayings on the box - I think my favorite is "make today ridiculously awesome".

These two items were in both boxes. I don't drink enough coffee for the WhiteShield to make much of an impact, so I gave it to my caffeine-addicted friend. She has a customer-facing job which requires quite a bit of smiling. I've asked her to get back to me on how well they work. C will get some use out of the fruit snacks - I've talked previously about how particular I am when it comes to food textures so as great as these are, they're not for me.

C will be giving this a try as I'm testing out a probiotic supplement for an upcoming review and I'd prefer not to muddle the results in any way. I do love that they've provided enough to get a fairly decent idea about its efficacy.

I'm not sure about this one - a single packet doesn't seem like enough to really form an opinion. I'll give it the old college try though.

Kurt doesn't know it yet, but I'll be using him as a guinea pig this weekend.

Bars of any kind are always welcome in sub boxes. I have about five different kinds squirreled away in my purse for various occasions. A girl has to have some variety, am I right?

Here's the description card for the Weight Loss box. Almost identical to the (unpictured) card for the Classic box. I love that the full size price is included below the product blurbs.

I'm already an Omega-3-6-9 supplement which works wonderfully. Perhaps I'll pawn this one off on C as well. As for the Q Speed, we've received several packets in other boxes and haven't yet had occasion to try them out. I've read great things in other reviews though.

Coincidentally, my RoxyLean just ran out. I'll replace it with this starting tomorrow and see how things go.

And another bar to round out the bunch. I've run into this brand many times before but haven't tried them out yet. Something about the fruitcake-y image on the package just turns me off, but I'll commit to giving it a shot.

Overall I'm fairly pleased with everything I received in my first two Bulu Boxes

Disclaimer: The above is the express opinion of this blogger. I was not paid for the review of any individual item or of the box, service, or product as a whole. In addition, I never promote or endorse a product I would not use or try myself.

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