The Tea Habit
I was getting ready to dust this shelf when it occurred to me that it was probably a prime example of my overarching problem: I find something I love and then I buy it in excess. For no other reason than I get bored at the drop of a hat so I convince myself that I should follow the adage, "variety is the spice of life." All well and true, but variety needs to mean three or four instead of thirty-something. And no one needs four bulk boxes of Emergen-C.
While all of my tea is confined to this lovely tea shelf, it still represents more "stuff" cluttering our house. I often complain to Craig that our house is overflowing with well-organized clutter. Too much clutter makes me feel overwhelmed and claustrophobic. As I said in yesterday's post, it is going to take a hell of a long time to pare away the excess layers but I'm fully committed. Right now, most of this tea is just sitting there looking pretty. I'm going to stop buying it, and start drinking it. I guarantee there are at least four blends on that shelf I haven't even tasted yet. And once all of the bagged tea is gone, I can make a commitment to sticking with loose leaf in refillable tins. Less clutter means a happy home and a happier Aubrey.
Now, who wants some tea?